Koremade to Korekara
Right after I started my own firm, I thought the job of an architect was to create spaces. Based on functions and circulation, we studied space proportions, lighting, and relationships between interior and exterior. We devoted ourselves to creating one-of-a-kind rich places for living. My mind was fully occupied with the building that we were designing. However, once completed, the building we had designed formed a street along with the surrounding existing buildings. I realized that building design meant being involved with a much longer time span than what we had lived, or with much larger areas. For renovation of old buildings, this relationship with a longer time is more direct. Design process of restoration is like a dialogue with decisions made by people from older times.
We think every project is a unique encounter. We meet clients, visit new places, and are asked for different functions each time. The architecture for the “future” is formed through knowing the “past” of the clients, locations, and functions, and then addressing these ourselves, who exists in the present time. Everything transitions with the current of the times. The art of architects is to catch a moment and create static, physical spaces. It might sound a rather violent action, but we cannot get away from it. I always feel the risk that I, who cannot be more or less than me, must provide answers, as well as the joy of knowing new things.
We often have Zen riddle-like discussions about the difference between a building and architecture. I say that architecture is sustainable buildings with cultural values, but I am aware that my answer is not clear. I think architecture is supposed to be found for every project. I hardly start designing with a certain concept. I want to enjoy the freedom that entrusts my body to encounters with clients, places, neighborhoods, and sometimes with existing buildings, that undertake their past and live the future. I explore individual “past” and “future” and pursue one architecture that exists beyond time.
We have organized our internet site according to the themes which we find important. Collective living, Dealing with the neighborhood, Reuse and renovation, Homes, Public domain, Space Light & Colour, Sustainability, Identity and Research/Exhibition are the themes. In this way, we hope to bring you over our vision and mission. We also find that an internet site is rather one directional medium. Hopefully you take a step to contact us via e-mail or our facebook page to get to know us better and ask us the information which interests you.
The “future” of our consciousness, which has been expanded from space to time and to the surrounding environment, seems like it is moving towards life. We came to desire not only designing living spaces, but also organizing the activities, goods and energy that flow in each space. For instance, I am very interested in cooking and eating. Therefore, I think the kitchen and dining spaces are very important. But moreover, I cannot help being conscious of the origin of the ingredients for cooking, and how they were grown. Since growing my own vegetables and livestock is not realistic, I learn, choose, and get involved with the existing food distribution system. We believe it will broaden my perspective and lead to new encounters and pursuits.

Krijn Taconiskade 442
1087 HW Amsterdam
+31(0)20 - 423 03 03